Taken In Flight! My Non-Wedding Pictures

Flying At The Edge Of Space

Flying At The Edge Of Space


This trip to my sister’s wedding was the first time I got to take some really awesome pictures out of the window during flight. We had some awesome clouds and weather that we traveled over, so there were some pretty phenomenal sights to see. I was slightly worried that I wouldn’t be able to capture the wonder and depth of the clouds and shadows they created on the landscape. I think I sat and stared out the windows for the entirety of our flights (there were 4 total flights, lots to see!)

I love how the top picture looks as though we are flying on the edge of space. I made the lovely mistake of using the wrong setting on my camera (I attribute this to being overexcited to take photos and not paying attention to my camera like I should). I was terrified these pictures wouldn’t turn out, but in the end they ended up being some of my favorites!


Clouds And Shadows Over The Mountains


I don’t think I can emphasize enough how distraught I was over having my camera on the wrong setting. I think I just about had a panic attack thinking that these beautiful sights I was seeing would turn out crappy because I am just a newbie with a camera. (I was REALLY hard on myself) My husband was awesome and kept telling me things would be alright, just wait and see. Well, he was right and everything turned out okay.


Clouds and Shadows


These came from the first flight, Portland (PDX) Airport to Los Angeles (LAX) Airport. I was a bit of a nut. I took over 200 pictures, so I’ll slowly be editing those and posting them for everyone to see!